Yoga on the Hilltop. Saturday, December 23rd at 9 AM


Join me on your mat for a morning of gentle yoga and guided meditation in Santa Rosa Valley, California. We will be seated on a hilltop with a mountain view to ground us in this powerful practice beginning at 9 AM. Come early to enjoy coffee or tea and be inspired by surrounding nature. Once the ticket is purchased, the address will be provided. only 10 spots available. register today.

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Join me on your mat for a morning of gentle yoga and guided meditation in Santa Rosa Valley, California. We will be seated on a hilltop with a mountain view to ground us in this powerful practice beginning at 9 AM. Come early to enjoy coffee or tea and be inspired by surrounding nature. Once the ticket is purchased, the address will be provided. only 10 spots available. register today.

Join me on your mat for a morning of gentle yoga and guided meditation in Santa Rosa Valley, California. We will be seated on a hilltop with a mountain view to ground us in this powerful practice beginning at 9 AM. Come early to enjoy coffee or tea and be inspired by surrounding nature. Once the ticket is purchased, the address will be provided. only 10 spots available. register today.